In the Kitchen-
Designs for Telecollaboration
and TelepresencePlease click on any of the links below to begin your exploration of telecollaboration and telepresence in curriculum-based K-12 learning activities.
What's That?
Interpersonal Exchanges are those activities in which individuals communicate electronically with other individuals, individuals communicate with groups or groups communicate with other groups. Interpersonal Exchanges include: keypals, global classrooms, electronic appearances, telementoring, question-and-answer activities, and impersonations.
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What's That?
Information Collection and Analysis actitivities are those which involve students collecting, compiling, and comparing different types of interesting information. Information Collection and Analysis activity structures include: information exhanges, database creation, electronic publishing, telefieldtrips, and pooled data analysis
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What's That?
Problem Solving activities promote critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-based learning. Problem Solving structures include: information searches, peer feedback activities, parallel problem solving, sequential problem solving, telepresent problem solving, simulations, and social action projects.
I'd like to see some examples, please.