The Foundation
Please click on any of the links below for more information about the ideas addressed in Virtual Architecture, such as "wetware," "telecollaborative activity structures," "teleresearch purposes," and "student action sequences." The articles are displayed within each section in a suggested reading order.These pieces were originally published in Learning and Leading with Technology, the primary journal of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). If you would like use any of these materials for nonprofit purposes, please follow the instructions for obtaining permission to reproduce them that are included in each portable document (.pdf ) file.
PLEASE NOTE that you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat's Reader software to view all but the first of these files. The software is free. Download it from here.
Harris, J. (1997-98). Wetware: Why use activity structures? Learning and Leading With Technology, 25(4), 13-17.
Harris, J. (2000-2001). Structuring Internet-enriched learning spaces. Learning and Leading With Technology, 28 (4), 50-55.
Harris, J. (1998). Activity structures for curriculum-based telecollaboration. Learning and Leading With Technology, 26(1), 6-15.
Harris, J. (1998). Educational teleresearch is a means, not an end. Learning and Leading With Technology, 26(3), 42-48.
Harris, J. (1999). "I know what we're doing but how do we do it?" - Action sequences for curriculum-based telecomputing. Learning and Leading With Technology, 26(6), 42-44.
Harris, J. (1997). Content and intent shape function: Designs for Web-based educational telecomputing activities. Learning and Leading With Technology, 24(5), 17-20.
Harris, J. (1999). First steps to telecollaboration. Learning and Leading With Technology, 27(3), 54-57.
Harris, J. (1998). Assistive annotations: The art of recommending Web sites. Learning and Leading With Technology, 25(6), 58-61.
Harris, J. (2000). Online to learn or in line with standards? An illusory dilemma. Learning and Leading With Technology, 28 (3), 10-15.
Harris, J. (2001). Telecollaborators wanted: More than seek & find. Learning and Leading With Technology, 28 (8), 46-49.
Harris, J. (2000). Taboo topic no longer: Why telecollaborative projects sometimes fail. Learning and Leading With Technology, 27(5), 58-61.
Harris, J. (2002). Wherefore art thou, telecollaboration? Learning and Leading With Technology, 29(6), 55, 57-59.
Harris, J. (1997). Ridiculous requests: The issue of scale in netiquette. Learning and Leading With Technology, 25(2), 13-16.